Many organisms are able to survive subzero temperatures at which bodily flu
ids would normally be expected to freeze. These organisms have adapted to t
hese lower temperatures by synthesizing antifreeze proteins (AFPs), capable
of binding to ice, which make further growth of ice energetically unfavora
ble. To date, the structures of five AFPs have been determined, and they sh
ow considerable sequence and structural diversity. The type I AFP reveals a
single 37-residue a-helical structure. We have studied the behavior of wil
d-type type I AFP and two "inactive" mutants (Ala17Leu and Thr13Ser/Thr24Se
r) in normal and supercooled solutions of H2O and deuterium oxide (D2O) to
see if the structure at temperatures below the equilibrium freezing point i
s different from the structure observed at above freezing temperatures. Ana
lysis of 1 D H-1- and C-13-NMR spectra illustrate that all three proteins r
emain folded as the temperature is lowered and even seem to become more alp
ha -helical as evidenced by C-13(alpha)-NMR chemical shift changes. Further
more, C-13-T-2 NMR relaxation measurements demonstrate that the rotational
correlation times of all three proteins behave in a predictable manner unde
r all temperatures and conditions studied. These data have important implic
ations for the structure of the AFP bound to ice as well as the mechanisms
for ice-binding and protein oligomerization.