People with genetic haemochromatosis (GH) accumulate iron from excessive di
etary absorption. In populations of northern European origin, over 90% of p
atients are homozygous for the C282Y mutation of the HFE gene. While about
1 in 200 people in the general population have this genotype the proportion
who develop clinical haemochromatosis is not known. The influence of HFE g
enotype on iron status was investigated in 10 556 blood donors. The allele
frequencies of the C282Y and H63D mutations were 8.23% and 15.3% respective
ly. Heterozygosity for C282Y occurred in 1 in 7.9 donors, for H63D in 1 in
4.2 donors, and 1 in 42 were compound heterozygotes. Homozygosity for H63D
occurred in I in 42 donors and I in 147 (72) were homozygous for C282Y Mean
values increased for transferrin saturation (TS) and serum ferritin (sFn),
and decreased for unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) in the order: d
onors lacking the mutations, H63D heterozygotes, C282Y heterozygotes, H63D
homozygotes, compound heterozygotes. and C282Y homozygotes, but serum ferri
tin (sFn) concentrations were no higher in H63D heterozygotes and C282Y het
erozygous women than in donors lacking mutations. The percentage of donors
failing the screening test for anaemia or of those with sFn < 15 <mu>g/l di
d not differ among the genotype groups. C282Y and H63D heterozygotes and do
nors homozygous for H63D were at no greater risk of iron accumulation than
donors lacking mutations, of whom 1 in 1200 had both a raised TS and sFn. T
he risk was higher for compound heterozygotes (1 in 80, P = 0.003) and for
C282Y homozygotes (1 in 5, P < 0.0001). There was no correlation between sF
n and either age or donation frequency in C282Y homozygotes. None of the 63
C282Y homozygous donors interviewed showed physical signs of overload or w
ere aware of relatives with haemochromatosis. The Welsh Blood Service colle
cts blood from about 140 000 people each year including an estimated 950 wh
o are homozygous for HFE C282Y. They are probably healthy and unaware of an
y family history of iron overload.