The epilepsies are a heterogeneous collection of seizure disorders wit
h a lifetime expectancy risk rate of 2-4%(1). A convergence of evidenc
e indicates that heritable factors contribute significantly to seizure
susceptibility(2,3). Genetically epilepsy-prone rodent strains have b
een frequently used to examine the effect of genetic factors on seizur
e susceptibility. The most extensively studied of these have been stra
ins that are susceptible to sound-induced convulsions (audiogenic seiz
ures, or AGSs). Early observations of the ACS phenomenon were made in
the laboratory of Dr. Ivan Pavlov; in the course of appetite-condition
ing experiments in mice, the loud bell used to signal food presentatio
n unexpectedly produced seizures in some animals(4). In 1947, DBA/2 (D
2) mice were found to exhibit a genetic susceptibility to AGSs stimula
ted by a doorbell mounted in an iron tub(5). Since this discovery, AGS
s have been among the most intensively studied phenotypes in behaviour
al genetics(6,7). Although several genetic loci confer susceptibility
to AGSs, the corresponding genes have not been cloned. We report that
null mutant mice lacking serotonin 5-HT2C receptors are extremely susc
eptible to AGSs. The onset of susceptibility is between two and three
months of age, with complete penetrance in adult animals. ACS-induced
immediate early gene expression indicates that AGSs are subcortical ph
enomena in auditory circuits. This AGS syndrome is the first produced
by a known genetic defect; it provides a robust model for the examinat
ion of serotoninergic mechanisms in epilepsy.