The effects of stromal and hormonal environment on the immortalized but non
tumorigenic human prostatic epithelial cell line BPH-I were investigated in
an in vivo model. BPH-I cells were recombined with rat urogenital sinus me
senchyme (UGM), and the tissue recombinants were grafted to the renal capsu
le of adult male athymic mouse hosts. BPH-1 + UGM recombinants formed solid
branching epithelial cords with a well-defined basement membrane. The cord
s canalized to form ductal structures. The mesenchymal cells formed thick s
heets, of well-differentiated smooth muscle surrounding the epithelium, rei
nforcing the idea that the epithelium dictates the patterning of prostatic
stromal cells. When hosts carrying BPH-1 + UGM tissue recombinants were exp
osed to testosterone propionate and 17-beta -estradiol (T + E2), the tissue
recombinants responded by forming invasive carcinomas, demonstrating mixed
, predominantly squamous as well as adenocarcinomatous (small acinar and mu
cinous) differentiation. When either untreated or T + E2-treated hosts were
castrated, epithelial apoptosis was observed in the grafts. When tumors we
re removed and regrafted to fresh hosts they grew rapidly. Tumors were seri
ally regrafted through six generations. Histologically these tumors consist
ed largely of focally keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma with high-grade
malignant cytological features. BPH-I eel Is grown in the absence of UGM su
rvived at the graft site but did not form tumors or organized structures. T
his behavior was not influenced by the presence or absence of T + E2 stimul
ation. These data show that an immortalized, nontumorigenic human prostatic
epithelial cell line can undergo hormonal carcinogenesis in response to T
+ E2 stimulation. In addition, the data demonstrate that the stromal enviro
nment plays an important role in mediating hormonal carcinogenesis.