Oligosporous forms are shown to be a minor but consistently present compone
nt of soil actinomycetal complex. Their population in soil is, as a rule, o
ne or two orders of magnitude lower than the population of streptomycetes.
High frequencies of oligosporous actinomycetes were obtained for ordinary c
hernozem, light sierozem, and soddy-podzolic soil. The greatest genus diver
sity of oligosporous forms was observed in chernozem. Genera Actinomadura,
Saccharomonospora, Saccharopolyspora, and Nocardia are frequent in soil act
inomycetal complex. The representatives of genera Microbispora, Microtetras
pora, and Thermomonospora are rather rare. The representatives of different
genera of oligosporous actinomycetes are ecologically heterogeneous.