Helical computed tomography (HCT) allows for volume acquisition of the enti
re thorax during a single apnoea. Combination of HCT acquisition with synch
ronous vascular enhancement gives rise to HCT angiography (HCTA).
In the last decade, HCT and HCTA have revolutionized the diagnosis of thora
cic diseases, modifying many diagnostic algorithms. Because HCT provides fo
r a true volume acquisition free of respiratory misregistration, three-dime
nsional (3D) rendering techniques can be applied to HCT acquisitions.
As these 3D rendering techniques present the HCT information in a different
format to the conventional transaxial CT slices, they can be summarized as
virtual tools.
The purpose of this review is to give the readers the most important techni
cal aspects of virtual tools, to report their application to the thorax, to
answer clinical and scientific questions, and to stress their importance f
or patient management, clinical decision making, and research.