Fruits and vegetables or their natural constituents which increase detoxica
tion enzymes and/or reduce activating enzymes are considered as good candid
ates to prevent chemically-induced carcinogenesis. In this study, rats were
fed a diet supplemented with 20% onion powder for 9 days. Several cytochro
me P450 (CYP)s enzymes (CYP 1A, 213, 2E1, 3A), which are involved in carcin
ogen activation, were determined by measuring their enzyme activities using
specific substrates. In addition, phase II enzymes activities such as UDP-
glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST), involved
in detoxication of carcinogens, were measured. Protein levels of CYPs and
GST A1/A2, A3/A5, M1, M2 and P1 were measured using antibodies in Western b
lots. Consumption of onion induced CYP 1A and CYP 2B activities while it de
creased CYP 2E1 activity. This later modification was accompanied by a decr
ease of CYP 2E1 levels. The same dietary treatment caused a slight increase
of the total GST activity. The relative proportions of GST subunits were m
odified. GST A1/A2 subunits were increased while GST A3/A5 and GST M2 subun
its were decreased and GST M1 and P1 were not modified. Onion consumption a
lso increased p-nitrophenol UGT activity. Taken together, these results sug
gest that the decrease of CYP 2E1 and the increase of phase II enzymes by o
nion can afford protection against some carcinogens, while the decrease of
some GST subunits could increase the genotoxic effects of other chemicals.
The modulating effect of onion could be ascribed to alk(en)yl polysulphides
and/or glycosides of flavonols, which were identified in the onion powder.
(C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.