Isotopic geochemical characteristics were determined in gases and condensat
es from southern Iran, which is one of the world's richest gas-bearing terr
itories. The isotopic composition of methane and its homologues, the carbon
isotope composition of CO2, the chemical composition of gases, the isotopi
c composition of condensates, and the proportions of individual hydrocarbon
s in the condensates were analyzed. The analytical results demonstrated fai
rly uniform chemical compositions for gases and isotopic compositions of me
thane and its homologues in deposits overlying the anhydrite zone. For inst
ance, the values delta C-13 of methane in samples from this part of the sec
tion (Late Permian Dalan Formation, zone D and Early Triassic Kan gan Forma
tion) varied from -39.95 to -41.28 parts per thousand. This allows us to co
nclude that gas accumulations in the carbonate collectors of the Kangan and
Dalan formations (zone D) represent a single gas reservoir. Quite differen
t characteristics are displayed by gases from the lower zone (below the anh
ydrite) of the Dalan Formation (zone G). These gases are characterized by c
onsiderable depletion in the light carbon isotope. For instance, methane fr
om a depth of 3600-3655 m in the Homa field yields delta C-13 = -26.22 part
s per thousand. They show also a number of other distinctive features: sign
ificant enrichment in nitrogen, occurrence of isotopically light CO2 (delta
C-13 = -21.87 parts per thousand), and an inversion in the isotope relatio
nships of ethane and propane. These peculiarities suggest that the composit
ion of gases in this zone was modified by the process of the thermal chemic
al reduction of anhydrite. The isotopic compositions of condensates from th
e deposits overlying and underlying the anhydrites are indistinguishable. T
he source of gases could be either the rocks of the Dalan Formation or Ordo
vician-Silurian shales. The formation of gas accompanied by condensate bega
n when the Ordovician-Silurian rocks entered the stage of catagenesis corre
sponding to R-0 = 1.0-1.2%, which probably took place at the end of the Jur
assic and beginning of the Cretaceous. The gas formation continued simultan
eously with the burial of the sedimentary prism. Younger deposits including
Permian ones entered the stage of gas generation. The Permian-Triassic col
lector was filled with gas. The subsequent portions of gas and condensate w
ere accumulated in the lower part of the Paleozoic section. At that time, b
oth the graptolite shales and anhydrites occurred at depths where the proce
ss of the thermal chemical reduction of sulfates exerted considerable influ
ence on the composition of gases and organic matter. This resulted in the f
ormation of the observed geochemical characteristics of gases in the lower
zone, which are significantly different from the geochemical characteristic
s of gases from the upper zone.