Boron and germanium concentration profiles in rapid thermal annealed and fu
rnace annealed Si and strained Si1-xGex in situ doped, epitaxial layers wit
h both box-type and graded germanium (Ge) profiles were measured using seco
ndary-ion-mass spectrometry (SIMS). A simple and accurate model that includ
es the modified strain, effect of trapping between B and Ge, the drift fiel
d due to bandgap narrowing, the intrinsic carrier concentration for Si1-xGe
x for boron diffusion in Si1-xGex, has been successfully implemented in sim
ulation software. The model accurately simulates the measured boron as well
as the Ge concentration profiles over a wide range of Ge fractions for box
-type (0.06%, 0.2%, 4%, 10%, and 15%) and 15% for graded, and B peak concen
trations for box-type (similar to3 x 10(18) cm(-3) to 1 x 10(19) cm(-3)) an
d 1 x 10(19) cm(-3) for graded, and various thermal budgets including rapid
thermal and furnace annealing conditions. A comparison of the S1-xGex samp
les to the Si samples after both thermal anneals reveals a retarded B diffu
sivity inside the strained Si1-xGex layers. The Si1-xGex heterostructure mo
del simulated the B diffusion in Si/Si1-xGex/Si heterostructures by incorpo
rating both an enhanced B diffusivity and a Ge-dependent retardation. This
retardation depends linear on the Ge concentration. Good agreement between
the measured and simulated diffusion is obtained by including the model for
strain and trapping effects.