Game theory deals with decision-making processes involving two or more part
ies, also known as players, with partly or completely conflicting interests
. Decision-makers in a conflict must often make their decisions under risk
and under unclear or fuzzy information. In this paper, two distinct fuzzy a
pproaches are employed to investigate an extensively studied 2 x 2 game mod
el-the game of chicken, The first approach uses a fuzzy multicriteria decis
ion analysis method to obtain optimal strategies for the players. It incorp
orates subjective factors into the decision-makers' objectives and aggregat
es objectives using a weight vector. The second approach applies the theory
of fuzzy moves (TFM) to the game of chicken. The theory of moves (TOM) is
designed to bring a dynamic dimension to the classical theory of games by a
llowing decision-makers to look ahead for one or several steps so that they
can make a better decision. TOM is the crisp counterpart of TFM, the appro
ach we implement here to deal with games that include fuzzy and uncertain i
nformation. The application of fuzzy approaches to the game of chicken demo
nstrates their effectiveness in manipulating subjective, uncertain, and fuz
zy information and provides valuable insights into the strategic aspects of