A variety of basic magnetic flux compression (MFC) generator geometries hav
e been tested during the last three decades. Though size and operating regi
mes differ widely, it is apparent that the helical flux compression generat
or is the most promising concept with respect to current amplification and
compactness. Though the geometry of the helical generator (dynamically expa
nding armature in the center of a current carrying helix) seems to be basic
, it turns out that the understanding of all involved processes is rather d
ifficult. This fact is apparent from the present lack of a computer model t
hat is solely based on physical principles and manages without heuristic fa
A simple generator was designed to address flux and current losses of the h
elical generator. The generator's maximum current amplitude is given as a f
unction of the seed current and the resulting "seed-current" spread is comp
ared to the output of state-of-the-art computer models. Temporally resolved
current and current time derivative signals are compared as well. The deta
iled generator geometry is introduced in order to facilitate future compute
r code bench marking or development. The impact of this research on the pre
sent understanding of magnetic flux losses in helical MFC generators is bri
efly discussed.