Two-dimensional (2-D) and, more generally, multidimensional harmonic retrie
val is of interest in a variety of applications, including transmitter loca
lization and joint time and frequency offset estimation in wireless communi
cations. The associated identifiability problem is key in understanding the
fundamental limitations of parametric methods in terms of the number of ha
rmonies that can be resolved for a given sample size. Consider a mixture of
2-D exponentials, each parameterized by amplitude, phase, and decay rate p
lus frequency in each dimension. Suppose that I equispaced samples are take
n along one dimension and, likewise, J along the other dimension. We prove
that if the number of exponentials is less than or equal to roughly IJ/4, t
hen, assuming sampling at the Nyquist rate or above, the parameterization i
s almost surely identifiable. This is significant because the best previous
ly known achievable bound was roughly (I + J) / 2. For example, consider I
= J = 32; our result yields 256 versus 32 identifiable exponentials. We als
o generalize the result to N dimensions, proving that the number of exponen
tials that can be resolved is proportional to total sample size.