In a developmental center, 257 potential bloodborne pathogen exposures (119
bites, 91 scratches, 30 sharps injuries, 17 mucosal breaks) occurred durin
g 8 years (13,187 employee-years and 6,980 resident-years). Of the resident
s, 9% were hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface antigen carriers. Serological fo
llow-up of exposed, susceptible employees and residents identified no trans
mission of HBV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), or human immunodeficiency (HIV) vi
rus. This outcome has been due primarily to hepatitis B immunization and lo
w prevalences of HCV or HIV infections among the subjects. Proper follow-up
of all potential exposures is crucial to identify transmission promptly, a
llay anxiety, and prevent unwarranted workmen's compensation claims. Measur
es are suggested to reduce exposure further.