We describe an exact algorithm for the problem of sorting a permutation by
the minimum number of reversals, originating from evolutionary studies in m
olecular biology. Our approach is based on an integer linear programming fo
rmulation of a graph-theoretic relaxation of the problem, calling for a dec
omposition of the edge set of a bicolored graph into the maximum number of
alternating cycles. The formulation has one variable for each alternating c
ycle, and the associated linear programming relaxation is solved by column
A major advantage with respect to previous approaches is that the subproble
m to face in the column-generation phase no longer requires the solution of
min-cost general matching problems, but of min-cost bipartite matching pro
blems. Experiments show that there is a tremendous speed-up in going from g
eneral matching to bipartite matching, although the best-known algorithms f
or the two problems have the same theoretical worst-case complexity. We als
o show the worst-case ratio between the lower bound value obtained by our n
ew method and previous ones.
We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive computati
onal experiments. In particular, we can solve to proven optimality the larg
est real-world instances from the literature in a few seconds, and the othe
r (smaller) real-world instances within a few milliseconds on a workstation
. Moreover, we can solve to optimality random instances with n = 100 within
3 seconds, and with n = 200 within 15 minutes, where n is the size of the
permutation, whereas the size of the instances solvable by previous approac
hes was at most 100. We also describe a polynomial-time heuristic algorithm
that consistently finds solutions within 2% of the optimum for random inst
ances with n up to 1000.