By using mirror reflections of a scene, stereo images can be captured with
a single camera (catadioptric stereo). In addition to simplifying data acqu
isition single camera stereo provides both geometric and radiometric advant
ages over traditional two camera stereo. In this paper, we discuss the geom
etry and calibration of catadioptric stereo with two planar mirrors. In par
ticular, we will show that the relative orientation of a catadioptric stere
o rig is restricted to the class of planar motions thus reducing the number
of external calibration parameters from 6 to 5. Next we derive the epipola
r geometry for catadioptric stereo and show that it has 6 degrees of freedo
m rather than 7 for traditional stereo. Furthermore, we show how focal leng
th can be recovered from a single catadioptric image solely from a set of s
tereo correspondences. To test the accuracy of the calibration we present a
comparison to Tsai camera calibration and we measure the quality of Euclid
ean reconstruction. In addition, we will describe a real-time system which
demonstrates the viability of stereo with mirrors as an alternative to trad
itional two camera stereo.