This paper studies optimal taxation in dynamic economies with increasing re
turns. We show that if there exists a stable open-loop Stackelberg equilibr
ium, the optimal rate of tax on capital income in the steady-state is negat
ive in order to eliminate the wedge between the private and the social rate
of return to capital. This result also holds when the government expenditu
re has a positive effect on production activities of the private agents. In
contrast, if the government takes a feedback strategy and if the governmen
t budget is balanced in every period, then the optimal capital income taxat
ion rule obtained under the open-loop strategy may be violated. It is, howe
ver, shown that if the government can borrow from the public, the negative
capital income tax rule may be established even under the feedback policy r
ule. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.