This case describes a 58-year-old female with systemic lupus erythematosus
(SLE) and coexistent chronic tophaceous gout. A renal biopsy showed concurr
ent lupus, nephritis and renal medullary microtophi, confirmed by electron
and polarizing microscopy, respectively. Whereas clinical SLE and gout have
already been shown to be rarely associated, this case further illustrates
the presentation of these two diseases in a single renal specimen. In this
patient the gout began shortly after menopause without known risk factors a
nd before any overt renal disease or signs of SLE. The tophaceous gout ante
dating the SLE, as well as the apparently benign course of illness, suggest
that the pathologic effects of SLE and -out on the kidneys are based on in
dependent mechanisms and may not necessarily aggravate each other. Treatmen
t of the -out with allopurinol may have contributed to improved renal funct