Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare malignancy with a poor prognosis. Etiolog
y is unclear and presentation of this disease is often atypical. There are
very few cases of long-term survival in patients with peritoneal mesothelio
ma. We report the case of a patient with peritoneal mesothelioma of 19 year
s' duration. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no reports of re
current peritoneal mesothelioma with such long-delayed recurrence and survi
val. Recurrent peritoneal mesothelioma in the current patient was confirmed
by comparing the biopsies of omentum taken in 1979 with that taken in 1997
. An extensive literature search was undertaken to look for previous report
s of recurrent peritoneal mesothelioma. Aggressive and intensive chemothera
py appeared to provide a longer survival time. Our patient had paraneoplast
ic manifestations that included paraneoplastic hepatopathy and a wasting sy
ndrome. Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare malignancy with one to two cases
per million in the United States. It is known to exhibit unusual paraneopla
stic manifestations, including paraneoplastic hepatopathy, Treatment is oft
en unsuccessful, with a median survival time of approximately 18 months fro
m diagnosis. A better understanding and aggressive management of this disea
se appear to help prolong survival.