This presentation addresses the barriers and determinants and the importanc
e of drug-induced apoptosis, in drug transport and delivery to organs and s
olid tumors. In particular, we examined the roles of interstitial space, dr
ug removal by capillaries, tissue structure and tissue composition on drug
distribution. Drug transport in bladder tissues is described by the distrib
uted model which combined monodimensional Fickian diffusion and first order
removal of drug by the per-fusing blood. Microscopic evaluation of the spa
tial drug distribution in bladder, prostate and tongue indicates heterogene
ous drug distribution with large and erratic concentration gradient. In gen
eral, drug distribution favors interstitial space and vasculature. with lit
tle penetration in muscles. Drug penetration into 3-dimensional solid tumor
s is typically 5- to 10-fold slower than in monolayer cultures. The transpo
rt of highly protein-bound drugs such as paclitaxel and doxorubicin in a so
lid tumor is retarded by a high tumor cell density and enhanced by drug-ind
uced apoptosis. Accordingly, the delivery of a highly protein-bound drug to
cells in a solid tumor is affected by its apoptotic effects and is therefo
re determined by the drug concentration and the treatment duration, Le, tre
atment schedule, Under in vitro and in vivo conditions, the delivery of hig
hly protein-bound drugs to tumor can be enhanced by using a pretreatment th
at induces apoptosis and reduction in cell density, and by using treatment
schedules designed to take advantage of these drug-induced changes in tumor
tissue composition. In conclusion, in addition to the usual processes invo
lved in drug transport such as distribution through vascular space, transpo
rt across microvessel walls, and diffusion through interstitial space in tu
mor tissue, other factors including tissue structure and composition and al
teration by drug-induced apoptosis are important determinants of drug distr
ibution in organs and solid tumors. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All righ
ts reserved.