Studies that have attempted to estimate sources and sinks of trace gases su
ch as CO2 with inverse calculations unanimously identify the lack of contin
ental stations as a prime obstacle. Continental stations have traditionally
been avoided because of the difficulty of interpretation due to large time
-variability of trace substance mixing ratios. Large variability is caused
by the proximity to the strongly variable sources in space and time and the
complicated airflow within the lowermost 100-200 m of the planetary bounda
ry layer. To address the need for continental stations and to overcome the
problems associated with them, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis
tration Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory started in 1992 to me
asure CO2 and other trace gases on tall television transmission towers [Bak
win et al, 1995]. An essential question in connection with these tower meas
urements is the area around the tower from which fluxes substantially contr
ibute to the observed short-term variability of trace gas mixing ratios. We
present here a simple data and back trajectory-based method to estimate th
e fraction of the observed short-term variability explained by a localized
flux around a tall television transmission tower in Wisconsin in dependence
of its location relative to the tower (the concentration "footprint"). We
find that the timescale over which the imprint of surface fluxes on air par
cels before its arrival at the tower axe still discernible in the mixing ra
tio variations observed at the tower is of the order of 1.5 days. Based on
this timescale and the characteristics of air parcel trajectories, we infer
a spatial extent of the footprint of the order of 10(6) km(2), or roughly
a tenth of the area of the United States. This is encouraging evidence that
tall tower measurements may be useful in global inversions and may also ha
ve implications for monitoring fluxes of anthropogenic trace substances on
regional scales.