Objective-To test the hypothesis that visual memory for faces can be dissoc
iated from visual memory for topographical material.
Method-A patient who developed a global amnesic syndrome after acute carbon
monoxide poisoning is described. A neuroradiological examination documente
d severe bilateral atrophy of the hippocampi.
Results-Despite a severe anterograde memory disorder involving verbal infor
mation, abstract figures, concrete objects, topographical scenes, and spati
al information, the patient was still able to learn previously unknown huma
n faces at a normal (and, in some cases, at a higher) rate.
Conclusions-Together with previous neuropsychological evidence documenting
selective sparing of topographical learning in otherwise amnesic patients,
this case is indicative of the fact that the neural circuits involved in fa
ce recognition are distinct from those involved in the recognition of other
visuoperceptual material (for example, topographical scenes).