In the chemical sciences, many laboratory experiments, environmental and in
dustrial processes, as well as modeling exercises, are characterized by lar
ge numbers of input variables. A general objective in such cases is an expl
oration of the high-dimensional input variable space as thoroughly as possi
ble for its impact on observable system behavior, often with either optimiz
ation in mind or simply for achieving a better understanding of the phenome
na involved. An important concern when undertaking these explorations is th
e number of experiments or modeling excursions necessary to effectively lea
rn the system input --> output behavior, which is typically a nonlinear rel
ationship. Although simple logic suggests that the number of runs could gro
w exponentially with the number of input variables, broadscale evidence ind
icates that the required effort often scales far more comfortably. This pap
er considers an emerging family of high dimensional model representation co
ncepts and techniques capable of dealing with such input --> output problem
s in a practical fashion. A summary of the state of the subject is presente
d. along with several illustrations from various areas in the chemical scie