In this study, the climatological stationary wave maintenance is examined f
rom nonlinear perspective using the GFDL R30 GCM outputs, a fully nonlinear
stationary wave model, and a linear stationary wave model. The primary foc
us of the study is on the nature of the stationary nonlinearity and relativ
e contribution to the total nonlinearity by various factors, such as heatin
g, orography, and the interaction between flows forced by heating and orogr
aphy. It is found that both the nonlinear effect of the diabatic heating an
d the nonlinear interaction between flows forced by orography and diabatic
heating are important contributors toward the total stationary nonlinearity
in northern winter and summer. Some regional features, such as the anticyc
lone off the northwest coast of North America in winter and the southwester
n U.S. summer anticyclone, are entirely due to the nonlinear interaction be
tween flows forced by heating and orography.
Consistent with the linear stationary wave maintenance, the diabatic heatin
g is the most dominant forcing mechanism in the Tropics and the Southern He
misphere (SH) throughout the seasonal cycle in the nonlinear framework. Ove
r the Northern Hemisphere (NH) extratropics during northern winter, however
, the role of the orographic forcing is comparable to that of diabatic heat
ing due to its strong nonlinear interaction with flows forced by heating an
d transients. This contrasts significantly with the conclusion drawn from t
he direct nonlinear responses in which the orography is much less important
than the diabatic heating. The regional feature of the ridge over northwes
tern North America in northern winter is found to be largely due to the pre
sence of orography. The effect of transients in the nonlinear model, includ
ing the nonlinear interaction of transients with flows forced by heating an
d orography, shows a wave train over the Pacific-North American region (PNA
) that resembles the atmospheric response to El Nino. This differs consider
ably from that in the linear view as well as that of the direct nonlinear r
esponse to transients. Furthermore, it is found that the inclusion of orogr
aphy or transients in the total stationary wave forcing improves the spatia
l pattern simulation of the GCM stationary waves for both hemispheres in th
eir respective winter months.