The key theme is converse forms of criteria for deciding determinateness in
the classical moment problem. A method of proof due to Koosis is streamlin
ed and generalized giving a convexity condition under which moments mu (n)
= integral (infinity)(0) x(n) f (x) dx satisfying Sigma mu (-c/n)(n) < <inf
inity> implies that integral (infinity)(x') x(-1-c) (-logf (x)) dx < <infin
ity>, c a positive constant. A contrapositive version is proved under a rap
id variation condition on f (x), generalizing a result of Lin. These result
s are used to obtain converses of the Stieltjes versions of the Carleman an
d Krein criteria. Hamburger versions are obtained which relax the symmetry
assumption of Koosis and Lin, respectively. A sufficient condition for Stie
ltjes determinateness of a discrete law is given in terms of its mass funct
ion. These criteria are illustrated through several examples.