When constructing laboratory samples of bituminous mixture that are intende
d to have the same characteristics as the in situ pavement layer, the most
important factor to consider is compaction. It is widely accepted that diff
erent laboratory compaction methods produce samples with different orientat
ions and distributions of aggregates, and different distributions and shape
s of voids. The effect of different laboratory compaction procedures (namel
y, roller, Marshall, vibrating hammer, and gyratory techniques) on the indi
rect tensile stiffness and fatigue properties of two standard Irish bitumin
ous mixtures (namely, hot-rolled asphalt and dense base coarse macadam) was
investigated. The roller compaction method produced specimens of lower sti
ffness, similar to site compacted samples. The influence of the compaction
method on the fatigue strength of asphalt mixes would appear to be mixture
dependent; mixes with grading profiles that are designed for aggregate inte
rlock were found to have higher fatigue strengths, provided the material wa
s compacted using a method that would facilitate reorientation of the aggre