Background. Corporations with employees who travel internationally address
their travel-related medical needs in a variety of ways. Options utilized i
nclude corporate medical departments, local health departments, and local c
linics, both contracted and independent.
Methods: A travel clinic at a university medical center routinely provided
preventive travel medicine services for many of the local companies. Two of
these companies had on-site medical clinics which routinely saw patients f
or occupational and personal health reasons. At these companies, the univer
sity travel clinic assisted in moving employee travel medicine services to
the on-site clinic. Direct and indirect costs for new, predeparture employe
e travel care at each company were compared before, and after, the move on-
Results: When measured per patient, total cost savings associated with the
on-site travel clinic were greater than 15% at both companies (17%, 26%), p
rimarily due to the value of the employees' time saved with decreased trave
l. Utilization increased at one company by 24% over the first 8 months and
lead to higher overall cost, but this cost increase was only 4%. Informal a
ssessments of the value of the on-site service at both companies was unifor
mly positive.
Conclusion: For certain corporate settings, on-site clinics may be effectiv
e ways of providing travel medicine services.