A recommendation system for an extended process of information retrieval in
distributed information systems is proposed, This system is both a model o
f dynamic cognitive categorization processes and powerful real application
useful for knowledge management. It utilizes an extension of fuzzy sets nam
ed evidence sets as the mathematical mechanisms to implement the categoriza
tion processes. It is a development of some aspects of Pask's conversation
theory. It is also an instance of the notion of linguistic-based selected s
elf-organization here described, and as such it instantiates an open-ended
semiosis between distributed information systems and the communities of use
rs they interact with This means that fix knowledge stored in distributed i
nformation resources adapts to the evolving semantic expectations of their
users as these select the information they desire in conversation with the
information resources. This way, this recommendation system establishes a m
echanism for user-driven knowledge self-organization.