Considering the recently stated suggestion of neovascularization being impl
icated in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) pathogenesis, we evaluated multip
le morphometric microvascular characteristics in MDS, in relation to clinic
opathologic factors and prognosis. Trephines from 50 newly diagnosed MDS pa
tients were immunostained for factor VIII and compared to those from 20 con
trols, 10 chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) and 12 acute myeloid leuke
mia (AML) patients. Quantitation of microvessel density (MVD), area, total
vascular area (TVA), major and minor axis length, perimeter, compactness, s
hape factor, Feret diameter, and the number of branching vessels was perfor
med by image analysis. Overall, the MDS group had significantly higher MVD,
TVA, minor axis and shape factor values and significantly lower compactnes
s than the control group. AML was characterized by increased vascularity co
mpared to MDS and CMML, as well as by the presence of flattened microvessel
s (lower values of shape factor). Hypercellular MDS showed higher MVD. RA/R
ARS displayed larger caliber vessels than RAEB, which explains the favorabl
e prognostic effect of increased size-related parameters on progression and
/or survival. Moreover, decreased compactness and MVD were independent pred
ictors of longer progression-free survival. It is concluded that angiogenes
is is involved in the conversion of normal marrow to MDS and ultimately to
AML and that disease progression within MDS is accompanied by qualitative a
lterations of the microvascular network. Furthermore, size-related paramete
rs affect survival, while shape-related parameters and MVD are more influen
tial with regard to progression-free survival.