On September 21-24, 2000, the National Cancer Institute, Southwest Texas St
ate University, and the Roy and Joan Mitte Foundation sponsored an internat
ional conference entitled "Aquaria Fish Models of Human Disease" at Southwe
st Texas State University (SWT), San Marcos, Texas, USA. Over 100 scientist
s, representing various fish model systems, participated in four roundtable
working groups. We considered the first step in promoting the exciting res
earch with fish models was to unify the efforts within this scientific comm
unity towards accomplishing specific goals. With this objective in mind, th
e following four working groups were convened: (1) fish cancer models: sust
enance and enhancement; (2) fish genomics and transgenics: resources and te
chnology; (3) fish pathology: standards for tumor pathology classification;
and, (4) resources underpinning aquaria fish research. Each working group
was charged with preparing a report of their discussions with recommendatio
ns on how researchers and funding agencies might best direct and strengthen
research support to ensure a healthy future for such work. Included are th
e final reports from these working groups, together with a brief summary of
the discussions held during the sessions and the consensus recommendations
from each group.