We offer a critique of the temporal distinctiveness model of serial positio
n effects (Nairne, Neath, Serra, & Byun, 1997). The temporal distinctivenes
s model combines a precise definition of stimulus distinctiveness with a me
mory perturbation process. The critique is empirically motivated-we show th
at with a more complete analysis, the temporal distinctiveness model does n
ot adequately account for Nairne et al.'s experimental data. To better acco
unt for the data, we independently modified two components of Nairne et al.
's model: the mathematical form of the definition of temporal distinctivene
ss and the mathematical form of the mapping from distinctiveness to free-re
call probabilities. Both of these modifications provided for better fits. Y
et both Nairne et al.'s definition and our modified definition are fairly a
rbitrary. We show that a significant challenge to this approach is to find
theoretically motivated constraints of the temporal distinctiveness model w
hile providing for adequate fits to data.