Forty consecutive patients with chronic sensorimotor polyneuropathy of unde
termined cause were followed to determine disease progression and prognosis
. They had had neurological symptoms for at least 1 year before presentatio
n. Neurophysiological examination in all patients showed chronic axonal deg
eneration, which was confirmed by sural nerve biopsy. Patients were reviewe
d every 3 months. Laboratory tests were performed every 6 months for the fi
rst 2 years and then annually. Neurophysiological examination was performed
annually in all patients. Patients were followed up for at least 4 years.
In no instance was a possible etiological factor detected during follow-up.
The clinical and electrophysiological findings had a slowly progressive co
urse. We suggest that patients with a chronic polyneuropathy of undetermine
d cause despite detailed investigations do not require further extensive an
d expensive laboratory tests and neurophysiological studies during follow-u
p. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.