The effects of i.c.v. injection of AIDA, a group I mGluR antagonist, were s
tudied on the nigral DA cells after MPTP-induced injury in the black mouse,
using TH immunocytochemistry and unbiased stereology. MPTP reduced the tot
al number of TH-IR neurons by 55.2% and non-TH-IR neurons by 27.5% A 15 min
AIDA pre-treatment (10 nmol) selectively counteracted the loss of TH-IR ce
lls caused by MPTP as evaluated 10 days after the insult without changing t
he total number of nonneuronal cell nuclei. The results suggest that group
I mGluR antagonists may have a neuroprotective role against MPTP-induced de
generation of DA neurons and thus probably also against neurodegenerative p
rocesses occurring in Parkinson's disease. NeuroReport 12:2615-2617 (C) 200
1 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.