E. Pastwa et al., In vitro repair of complex unligatable oxidatively induced DNA double-strand breaks by human cell extracts, NUCL ACID R, 29(16), 2001, pp. NIL_21-NIL_30
We describe a new assay for in vitro repair of oxidatively induced DNA doub
le-strand breaks (DSBs) by HeLa cell nuclear extracts. The assay employs li
near plasmid DNA containing DNA DSBs produced by the radiomimetic drug bleo
mycin. The bleomycin-induced DSB possesses a complex structure similar to t
hat produced by oxidative processes and ionizing radiation. Bleomycin DSBs
are composed of blunt ends or ends containing a single 5'-base overhang. Re
gardless of the 5'-end structure, all bleomycin-induced DSBs possess 3'-end
s blocked by phosphoglycolate. Cellular extraction and initial end joining
conditions for our assay were optimized with restriction enzyme-cleaved DNA
to maximize ligation activity. Parameters affecting ligation such as tempe
rature, time, ionic strength, ATP utilization and extract protein concentra
tion were examined. Similar reactions were performed with the bleomycin-lin
earized substrate. In all cases, end-joined molecules ranging from dimers t
o higher molecular weight forms were produced and observed directly in agar
ose gels stained with Vistra. Green and imaged with a Fluorlmager 595. This
detection method is at least 50-fold more sensitive than ethidium bromide
and permits detection of less than or equal to0.25 ng double-stranded DNA p
er band in post-electrophoretically stained agarose gels. Consequently, our
end-joining reaction requires less than or equal to 100 ng substrate DNA a
nd greater than or equal to 50% conversion of substrate to product is achie
ved with simple substrates such as restriction enzyme-cleaved DNA. Using ou
r assay we have observed a 6-fold lower repair rate and a lag in reaction i
nitiation for bleomycin-Induced DSBs as compared to blunt-ended DNA. Also,
end joining reaction conditions are DSB end group dependent. In particular,
bleomycin-induced DSB repair, is considerably more sensitive to inhibition
by increased ionic strength than repair of blunt-ended DNA.