SEM micrographs of carbon black polymer composites have been analysed in te
rms of their fractal geometry. Acetylene black/ethylene butylacrylate copol
ymer samples have a fractal dimension of about 1.8 at low filler concentrat
ions that increases to 2.1 at high concentrations. The numerical values ind
icate a cross-over from diffusion limited cluster aggregation (DLCA) to rea
ction limited cluster aggregation (RLCA). Furnace black/EPDM composites hav
e a fractal dimension of 1.9 at low concentrations and of 2.4 at higher fil
ler fraction. We believe that in this case the increase in fractal dimensio
n is only apparent and due to interpenetration. Possible connections betwee
n fractal. geometry (fractal dimension and correlation length) and electric
al conductivity are discussed. No clear connection could be determined. (C)
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