Using a deuterium UV source, we have investigated the response of a number
of commercially available thermoluminescence (TL) dosimeters (TLDs) to UV r
adiation (UVR), including LiF:Mg, Cu, P (TLD-100H), CaF2: Dy (TLD-200), CaF
2: Mn (TLD-400), Al2O3 (TLD-500), (LiF)-Li-7: Mg, Cu, P (TLD-700 H) and CaS
O4: Dy (TLD-900). The intrinsic method was used to detect UVR, while trap d
epth and frequency factors were estimated using the initial rise method. We
have studied TL intensity as a function of exposure time, observing high s
ensitivity of TLD-500 to UVR. Conversely, TLD-400 displays weak sensitivity
to these same radiations. Although TLD-900 and TLD-200 are both less sensi
tive to UVR than TLD-500, they each provide a linear response to UVR. The p
ossible use of these phosphors as UV dosimeters has been further appraised,
examining thermal fading effects and fading due to light exposure. (C) 200
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