This review describes the state of art in the field of Functional Electrica
l Stimulation (FES) and its impact on improving grasping and walking functi
ons in acute and chronic Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) patients. It is argued t
hat during the early rehabilitation period the FES systems with surface sti
mulation electrodes should be used to assist training of hand and leg movem
ents in SCI patients. Our clinical trials have shown that a number of acute
SCI patients with impaired walking and grasping functions could improve th
ese functions due to training with an adjustable FES system to the point th
at they finally did not need the FES system to carry out these tasks. Other
acute SCI patients, who did not recover the desired function, were enabled
to perform either walking or grasping with the FES assistance. We believe
that the subjects who can perform grasping or walking with the help of FES,
and still use the neuroprosthesis 6 months after being subjected to the FE
S training, should consider the FES system as a prosthetic device in Activi
ties of Daily Living (ADL). Despite the significant technical progress achi
eved in the last 10 to 15 years in the FES field, there is a general consen
sus that these systems are not sufficiently advanced and that they need fur
ther development. The limited acceptance of the FES technology can be in pa
rt explained by the fact that it is not completely mature and that the pati
ents still require daily assistance to use the FES systems. Nevertheless th
e present FES treatments combined with conventional occupational and physic
al therapy still remain the most promising approach in rehabilitating SCI p
atients. In this review, advantages and limitations of different FES system
s that are used to restore grasping and walking functions are discussed.