On-line marketplaces raise several interesting issues, among them the relev
ance of location when content is digitized, and the assessment of a supplie
r's capabilities when buyers worldwide only have electronic contact with se
llers. In global B2B on-line marketplaces, market microstructures, i. e. wh
ich firms compete for the same customers, are thus likely to be influenced
by how customers value location and firm capabilities in their decisions to
do business with different suppliers on-line. We suggest that both these s
ets of attributes will continue to matter on-line-firms possessing similar
capabilities, as well as firms that are similar in location by country, tim
e zones or clusters, will compete for business from the same customers. We
model the similarity in competitive positions between pairs of firms based
on the overlap in their customer net-works, using data on actual interactio
ns between supplier and customer banks on an electronic trading system. Usi
ng QAP network regression techniques on the 100 largest banks in this indus
try, we find that similarity in capabilities influences who competes with w
hom, and that location still matters in a global B2B exchange. Interestingl
y, location influences who a firm's competitors are, but not where its cust
omers are from. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.