Stimulated emission was studied in dendrimer-doped polymer waveguides. A su
pernarrowing laser spectrum was observed without using any resonator mirror
s, due to the moderate scattering caused by densely doped dendrimer aggrega
tes in a polymer waveguide. At the optimum operation level, the spectral li
newidth was found to be 0.55 nm, which was limited by the resolution of the
spectrograph used. Weak scattering from the aggregated dendrimers in the h
ost polymer matrix with gain was responsible for the photon localization. H
owever, in contrast to conventional random lasers with strong scattering, w
eak scattering enables the long amplification path through the waveguide pr
oducing a directional beam and a supernarrowing spectrum. The dependence of
supernarrowing lasing behavior on the density of the scattering moiety was
studied by changing the dendrimer doping ratios in the polymer matrix, (C)
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