Proteomics involves the integration of a number of technologies with the ai
m of analyzing the complete complement of proteins expressed by a biologica
l system bi response to various stimuli and/or under different physiologica
l or pathophysiological conditions. Remit technical improvements to the met
hods employed for protein separation and protein identification have result
ed bz a dramatic increase in the number of proteomics-based research projec
ts. More importantly, it has become readily, apparent that examining change
s in the proteome offers insight into understanding cellular and molecular
mechanisms that cannot be obtained through genomic analysis. There are nume
rous examples of cardiovascular functions whose molecular pathways are medi
ated through post-translational processes such as phosphorylation The use o
f proteomics offers the ability to simultaneously monitor the changes in pr
otein expression and/or cell signaling pathways in response to such conditi
ons as cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Together with complementary,
genomic data, proteomics-based research can greatly increase our understand
ing of cardiovascular biology. (Trends Cardiovasc Med 200 1; 11: 66-75). (C
) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.