From July 1999 to January 2000, the total suspended particulate matter (TSP
) in the atmosphere collected by high-volume sampler was used to determine
the particulate Hg of four function districts and one contrast district in
the City of Changchun,China. The study results indicated that the value of
the volume-based concentration and the mass-based concentration of each dis
trict during the heating period are higher than those of the nonheating per
iod. The volume-based concentration of the urban districts is higher than t
hat of the contrast district. Atmospheric Hg concentrations varied temporal
ly and spatially. TSP is the critical factor of particulate Hg concentratio
n; precipitation is the main meteorological factor affecting Hg (p) concent
ration in the atmosphere; coal combustion and wind-blown soil material are
the important sources of atmospheric particulate Hg. During heating period.
, the coal combustion makes a greater contribution to Hg(p) than that of wi
nd-blown soil materials. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved