Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus and Podocoryna carnea are colonial marine hyd
roids capable of reproducing both sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduct
ion, by colony fragmentation, produces a genetic clone of the parent colony
. This study examines the effect of very different cloning rates on colony
growth rate, oxygen uptake rate. and colony morphology. Colonies of one clo
ne of each species were maintained for an extended time in two treatments:
in a state of constant vegetative growth by repeated cloning, and in a stat
e restricted from vegetative growth (no cloning). For both species, tissue
explants taken from the growing colonies grew more slowly than similar expl
ants taken from the restricted colonies. For one species, tissue explants f
rom the growing colonies used oxygen at a higher rate than similar explants
from restricted colonies; for the other species, no difference was detecte
d, although the sample size was small. For both species, tissue explants fr
om restricted colonies formed more circular, "sheet-like" shapes, whereas t
hose from their growing counterparts formed more irregular, "runner-like" s
hapes. After these experiments, in the third winter of treatment, all colon
ies experienced a severe tissue regression. Within 6 months after this even
t, the colonies had regrown to their former sizes. A growth assay at this p
oint revealed no difference in growth rate, possibly suggesting an epigenet
ic basis for these results, Changes in clonal growth rates and morphology c
orrelated with variation in fragmentation rate might affect the ecology of
these and other clonal organisms.