Using NCEP-NCAR reanalysis and in situ data, evidence of important changes
in the winter (December-March) cyclone climatology of the North Pacific Oce
an over the past 50 years is found. The frequency and intensity of extreme
cyclones has increased markedly, with associated upward trends in extreme s
urface winds between 25 degrees and 40 degreesN and major changes in cyclon
e-related circulation patterns in the Gulf of Alaska. Related increases in
extreme wave heights are inferred from wave measurements and wave-model hin
dcast results. The more vigorous cyclone activity has apparently resulted f
rom increasing upper-tropospheric winds and vertical wind shear over the ce
ntral North Pacific. Such changes, which create an environment more favorab
le for cyclone formation and intensification, may be related to the observe
d modulation of El Nino-related teleconnections at decadal and longer times
cales. It is intriguing that this trend has been relatively steady rather t
han the sudden or stepwise shifts documented for other aspects of North Pac
ific climate change. Increasing sea surface temperatures in the western tro
pical Pacific are suggested as a plausible cause of the observed changes, t
hough other underlying mechanisms may also contribute.