Background: Genetic analysis of microsatellite DNA is a powerful tool used
in linkage analysis, gene mapping, and clinical diagnosis. To address the e
xpanding needs of studies of short tandem repeats (STRs), we demonstrated h
igh-performance STR analysis on a high-throughput microchannel plate-based
Methods: Energy-transfer-cassette-labeled STR amplicons were separated and
typed on a microfabricated 96-channel radial capillary array electrophoresi
s (CAE) microchannel plate system. Four-color detection was accomplished wi
th a laser-excited confocal fluorescence rotary scanner.
Results: Multiplex STR analysis with single base-pair resolution was demons
trated on denaturing polyacrylamide gel media. The high-throughput multiple
x capabilities of this genetic analysis platform were demonstrated by the s
imultaneous separation of STR amplicons representing 122 samples in ninety-
six 5.5-cm-long channels in < 8 min. Sizing values obtained for these ampli
cons on the CAE microchannel plate were comparable to those measured on a c
onventional commercial CAE instrument and exhibit < 1% sizing variance.
Conclusions: Energy-transfer-cassette labeling and microfabricated CAE micr
ochannel plates allow high-performance multiplex STR analyses. (C) 2001 Ame
rican Association for Clinical Chemistry.