Estimating fall dormancy (FD) in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is time-consu
ming and expensive. The objective of this study was to estimate the FD clas
s of alfalfa using near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy. Eleven alf
alfa cultivars ranging in FD from 1 to 11 were grown as spaced plants at fo
ur diverse locations. In early autumn, 55 to 65 plants were randomly select
ed at each location and FD determined for each plant. For each sample, NIR
spectra were collected and FD values regressed against first and second der
ivative transformations of spectra by modified partial least squares regres
sion. The optimum equation had a calibration R-2 of 0.90 and a mean and sta
ndard error of 7.93 +/- 1.14. Blind validation samples showed that this equ
ation could accurately predict the FD class of individual plants (r(2) = 0.
85) as well as entire cultivars; (r(2) = 0.94). We concluded NIR spectrosco
py has the potential to estimate FD classes of alfalfa.