Throughout the twentieth century, anthropologists and historians have regar
ded the Houma Indians of southern Louisiana as the descendants of the Houma
Indians encountered along the Mississippi River by French explorers and se
ttlers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Oral history of the con
temporary Houma traces the group's origin to Native Americans of the Houma
and other tribes who moved into the bayou country of southeastern Louisiana
during the late eighteenth or early nineteenth centuries. However, anthrop
ologists and historians from the Bureau of Indian Affairs have concluded th
at there is no documentary evidence of any cultural or genealogical link be
tween the modern Houma and the Houma of the French colonial period. Availab
le documentary sources indicate that the modern Houma originated in the nin
eteenth century as a multiethnic group that included Europeans, African Ame
ricans, and some Native Americans, none of whom are known to have been Houm
as. The genesis of the modern group's identity as Houma Indians can be unde
rstood as a response to legally sanctioned racial classifications and race
discrimination in Louisiana from the late nineteenth century on.