The pancreas is an organ that often presents difficulties for ultrasound ex
ploration due to the interference of abdominal gas in the stomach and duode
num. However, with technical experience and the use of a variety of examina
tion techniques, such as filling the stomach with water or cellulose suspen
sion, changing patient's position, or scanning at different moments of resp
iration, such as suspended inspiration or expiration, it can be seen in its
totality in a high percentage of patients. In our opinion, especially as n
ew technical advances have been incorporated into US equipment (color power
Doppler, harmonics, and US pulse inversion) and new contrast agents are av
ailable, US can compete with CT in this field. Ultrasound can be as useful
as CT in most patients with pancreatitis and pancreatic neoplasms. Furtherm
ore, Endoscopic sonography (ES), as well as intraoperative and laparoscopic
techniques, are also excellent for visualizing malignant pancreatic lesion
s and have a special role in preoperative staging. Finally, US is a good te
chnique to guide fine-needle biopsy of the pancreas and for aspiration of i
nflammatory fluid collections and abscesses. Although CT has played a major
role to date, US is presently the most widely available and economical mea
ns to visualize the pancreas.