The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of using MRI with in
tegrated endorectal/ phased-array coils for the staging and determination o
f the extent of cervical carcinoma. Twenty-two consecutive patients with bi
opsy-proven cervical carcinoma underwent MRI with integrated endorectal/pha
sed-array coils before treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging was compared w
ith clinical staging using surgical and pathological results as the gold st
andard. Eighteen of 22 patients underwent surgery. Seventeen of the 18 pati
ents were correctly staged using an integrated endorectal/phased-array MRI
with an overall staging accuracy of 94%. Fourteen of the 18 patients had a
correct clinical staging with an overall staging accuracy of 78%. The overa
ll accuracy of pelvic lymph node metastasis detection was 89% on MRI. These
data showed that MRI using integrated endorectal/ phased-array coils was m
ore accurate than the clinical approach for the staging of cervical carcino
ma. Magnetic resonance imaging using integrated endorectal/phased-array coi
ls is a highly promising modality for detecting and staging cervical carcin