Background & Aims: Hypersensitivity to gastric distention has been reported
in functional dyspepsia, but its characteristics and relevance to symptoms
remain unclear. The aim of this study was to define hypersensitivity to ga
stric distention and its association to specific symptoms in functional dys
pepsia. Methods: We used a gastric barostat to study sensitivity to gastric
distention in 80 healthy subjects and in 160 functional dyspepsia patients
. Demographic characteristics, gastric emptying, Helicobacter pylori status
, gastric accommodation, and a dyspepsia symptom score were obtained from a
ll patients and the relationship with visceral sensitivity was assessed usi
ng univariate and multivariate analysis. Results: The increase of intra-bal
loon pressure over intra-abdominal pressure needed to induce discomfort or
pain is the most appropriate expression of sensitivity to gastric distentio
n because it yields a meaningful lower range of normal and it is independen
t from age and body mass index. Hypersensitivity to gastric distention was
found in 34% of the patients, who did not differ from the other patients in
demographic and other pathophysiological characteristics. Hypersensitivity
to distention was associated with a higher prevalence of postprandial pain
, belching, and weight loss. Conclusions: Hypersensitivity to gastric diste
ntion is present in a subset of functional dyspepsia patients. It is associ
ated with symptoms of postprandial epigastric pain, belching, and weight lo