A synthesis environment for analog integrated circuits is presented that is
able to drastically increase design and layout productivity for analog blo
cks. The system covers the complete design flow from specification over top
ology selection and optimal circuit sizing down to automatic layout generat
ion and performance characterization. It follows a hierarchical refinement
strategy for more complex cells and is process independent. The sizing is b
ased on an improved equation-based optimization approach, where the circuit
behavior is characterized by declarative models that are then converted in
a sequential design plan. Supporting tools have been developed to reduce t
he total effort to set up a new circuit topology in the system's database.
The performance-driven layout generation tool guarantees layouts that satis
fy all performance constraints. Redesign support is included in the design
flow management to perform backtracking in case of design problems. The exp
erimental results illustrate the productiveness and efficiency of the envir
onment for the synthesis and process tuning of frequently used analog cells