We present the retrievals of surface soil moisture (SM) from simulated brig
htness temperatures by a newly developed error propagation learning back pr
opagation (EPLBP) neural network. The frequencies of interest include 6.9 a
nd 10.7 GHz of the advanced microwave scanning radiometer (AMSR) and 1.4 GH
z (L-band) of the soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) sensor. The land
surface process/radiobrightness (LSP/R) model is used to provide time serie
s of both SM and brightness temperatures at 6.9 and 10.7 GHz for AMSRs view
ing angle of 55 degrees, and at L-band for SMOS's multiple viewing angles o
f 0 degrees, 10 degrees, 20 degrees, 30 degrees, 40 degrees, and 50 degrees
for prairie grassland with a column density of 3.7 km/m(2). These multiple
frequencies and viewing angles allow us to design a variety of observation
modes to examine their sensitivity to SM. For example, L-band brightness t
emperature at any single look angle is regarded as an L-band one-dimensiona
l (I-D) observation mode. Meanwhile, it can be combined with either the obs
ervation at the other angles to become an L-band two-dimensional (2-D) or a
multiple dimensional observation mode, or with the observation at 6.9 or 1
0.7 GHz to become a multiple frequency/dimensional observation mode. In thi
s paper, it is shown that the sensitivity of radiobrightness at AMSR channe
ls to SM is increased by incorporating L-band radiobrightness. In addition,
the advantage of an L-band 2-D or a multiple dimensional observation mode
over an L-band 1-D observation mode is demonstrated.